Former Saturday Night Live cast members Chevy Chase and John Belushi shared the television screen for a certain time. However, not all of the memories were positive. Chase recalled a time when Belushi stole a cocaine-filled jar that he had from the Saturday Night Live set. His co-star denied it, but he later found the proof that convinced him that his fellow star did the deed.
Chevy Chase and John Belushi co-starred on ‘Saturday Night Live’
Chase and Belushi joined Saturday Night Live as cast members within the same year. They both started in 1975, but they remained on the show for different lengths. Chase was only there for a year, but he returned as a host on eight occasions between 1978 and 1997 (nine, if you count a promotional trailer). Boss Lorne Michaels ultimately slammed him with the ban hammer after his abusive treatment toward other cast members.
Meanwhile, Belushi remained on Saturday Night Live for four years. He was also one of the show’s very first cast members, but he made several cameo appearances over the years. Belushi would ultimately go on to star as John “Bluto” Blutarsky in National Lampoon’s Animal House, which would become one of his most famous roles.
Chevy Chase alleged that John Belushi stole his cocaine from the set
In an interview on Bill Maher’s Club Random podcast, Chase talked about his time on Saturday Night Live with Belushi. He recalled the time when his co-star stole a small jar of cocaine, but denied the accusations.
“I’m just remembering John and his f***ing drug problem, but back then, the big drug was cocaine,” Chase said. “Obviously John turned out to be coke head, but I had a little jar of cocaine with a little spoon that hung from it.”
Chase continued: “Anyway, I had it on the piano of the stage. So, I’m just playing the piano, the crowd isn’t in yet, and it’s just sitting. After I played just a little bit, it’s gone. I had no idea how. Obviously, I was looking at my hands at the moment that John swooped in and took it. So I immediately said, ‘Belushi, did you take my coke?’ ‘No, what are you talking about?’”
After a month passed, he ultimately found the proof that confirmed his suspicions.
“I’m invited to dinner at John and Judy’s apartment and I see my little vial empty and washed, just sitting on a shelf by the books,” Chase said, explaining that he gave up the habit. “I’m so glad I just put that stuff aside.”
John Belushi died in 1982
Chase was particularly upset when he heard the news that fellow former Saturday Night Live cast member Belushi died on March 5, 1982, at 33 years old, as a result of combined drug intoxication.
“That morning, Jayni, my wife, and I were in our house, and there was knock on the door, and I opened the door, and there was, it seemed like 12 news people,” Chase said. “‘How do you feel about the death of John?’ I didn’t know yet, that John Belushi died. It just shocked me.”
Chase concluded: “There I was stuck with these people … What a horrible thing. And when John Candy died. John Candy was not a drug abuser. Those were two of my best friends who died that I really felt awful about.”
How to get help: In the U.S., contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration helpline at 1-800-662-4357.