Fame | Sebastian Berhalter net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Sebastian Berhalter? When is Sebastian Berhalter's birthday? Where is Sebastian Berhalter born? Where did Sebastian Berhalter grow up from? What's Sebastian Berhalter's age? Sebastian Berhalter Born: May 10, 2001 (age 22years), London, United Kingdom

How old is Sebastian Berhalter? When is Sebastian Berhalter's birthday? Where is Sebastian Berhalter born? Where did Sebastian Berhalter grow up from? What's Sebastian Berhalter's age?

Sebastian Berhalter Born: May 10, 2001 (age 22years), London, United Kingdom

How about Sebastian Berhalter's parents?

Sebastian Berhalter Parents: Gregg Berhalter

How about Sebastian Berhalter's uncle?

Sebastian Berhalter Uncle: Jay Berhalter

How about Sebastian Berhalter's team?

Sebastian Berhalter Team: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (#16 / Midfielder)

How tall is Sebastian Berhalter in meters or centimeters?

Sebastian Berhalter Height: 1.75m

How about Sebastian Berhalter's weight?

Sebastian Berhalter Weight: 70kg

Is Sebastian Berhalter related to Gregg Berhalter?

An intelligent and competitive anchor in central defense as a player, Berhalter spent 18 professional seasons in the Netherlands, England, Germany and the United States before serving seven years as a coach in Sweden and Major League Soccer.

Does Greg Berhalter have a son?

An intelligent and competitive anchor in central defense as a player, Berhalter spent 18 professional seasons in the Netherlands, England, Germany and the United States before serving seven years as a coach in Sweden and Major League Soccer.

What position did Berhalter play?

An intelligent and competitive anchor in central defense as a player, Berhalter spent 18 professional seasons in the Netherlands, England, Germany and the United States before serving seven years as a coach in Sweden and Major League Soccer.

