How old is Sebastian Berhalter? When is Sebastian Berhalter's birthday? Where is Sebastian Berhalter born? Where did Sebastian Berhalter grow up from? What's Sebastian Berhalter's age?
Sebastian Berhalter Born: May 10, 2001 (age 22years), London, United Kingdom
How about Sebastian Berhalter's parents?
Sebastian Berhalter Parents: Gregg Berhalter
How about Sebastian Berhalter's uncle?
Sebastian Berhalter Uncle: Jay Berhalter
How about Sebastian Berhalter's team?
Sebastian Berhalter Team: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (#16 / Midfielder)
How tall is Sebastian Berhalter in meters or centimeters?
Sebastian Berhalter Height: 1.75m
How about Sebastian Berhalter's weight?
Sebastian Berhalter Weight: 70kg
Is Sebastian Berhalter related to Gregg Berhalter?
An intelligent and competitive anchor in central defense as a player, Berhalter spent 18 professional seasons in the Netherlands, England, Germany and the United States before serving seven years as a coach in Sweden and Major League Soccer.
Does Greg Berhalter have a son?
An intelligent and competitive anchor in central defense as a player, Berhalter spent 18 professional seasons in the Netherlands, England, Germany and the United States before serving seven years as a coach in Sweden and Major League Soccer.
What position did Berhalter play?
An intelligent and competitive anchor in central defense as a player, Berhalter spent 18 professional seasons in the Netherlands, England, Germany and the United States before serving seven years as a coach in Sweden and Major League Soccer.