It seems like yesterday that Liza Minnelli, the four-time Tony Award-winning actress, shared the stage with her mother Judy Garland, who gave Minnelli her first shot at stardom at the young age of seven during a performance at the Palace Theatre. “Mama belted out ‘Swannee,’ and I danced my little heart out,” she told InStyle previously. Since then, the budding actress wasted no time in making a name for herself, and she has the list of accolades to prove it.
When she was just 19, Minnelli became the youngest woman to win a Tony for her performance in the 1965 play, Flora the Red Menace. She then quickly sky-rocketed to fame thanks to her iconic turn as Sally Bowles in the 1972 film Cabaret, earning an Academy Award for that role the following year (from which she's pictured, above).
What followed next were countless Broadway engagements, a Grammy Legend Award, and even a few cameo appearances in Sex and the City 2 and a particularly hilarious recurring role in Arrested Development. Just this past month, Minnelli stepped out for the 2014 Academy Awards, where she famously embraced Lupita Nyong'o during her Best Supporting Actress win. "Oh dear, I felt quite fabulous," Nyong'o said of the hug. And who wouldn't! That's proof Minnelli still has it!
See more celebrities who got their start on Broadway in our gallery.