Keaton Morrison Obituary 2-year-old Found Dead in Oil City

Keaton Morrison Obituary, Death At the time of her passing on Saturday, June 6, 2020, Mrs. Zena Elizabeth Morrison, who had reached the age of 68 at the time of her dying, was granted permission to make her transition to the hereafter. The 15th of June, 1951 found her being born in the city


Keaton Morrison Obituary, Death – At the time of her passing on Saturday, June 6, 2020, Mrs. Zena Elizabeth Morrison, who had reached the age of 68 at the time of her dying, was granted permission to make her transition to the hereafter. The 15th of June, 1951 found her being born in the city of Salisbury, Pennsylvania.

Her location of birth was in the state of Pennsylvania. It was at this point in time when both of her parents, John and Alma Keaton, had already passed away. She had her formative education at the R. A. Clement School, which is located in the center of Cleveland. Zena attended this school during her formative years. Gwendolyn and Jamie Keaton, together with her sisters and her husband Kermit,

had already left this location before to Zena’s arrival. Zena was the only person left. Among the ones who had passed away before she did, her parents were also among those who had followed in her footsteps. In addition to her siblings, Mary Ellis of Salisbury, Alphonso Keaton, Sr. of Cleveland, Earl Keaton of Cleveland, John Lester Keaton and Lorene Vaughters of Cleveland, and Paul Cleveland of Clevland, aunts Lucille Davison of Salisbury,

Mary L. Keaton of Iredell, Evelyn Lytle of Salisbury, and Girtha Fleming of Salisbury, as well as seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends are among the people Zena leaves to cherish her loving memories.


