Snake Bust: Idaho Fish and Game find spitting cobras, pit vipers inside Boise home

BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) Numerous venomous and deadly non-native snakes were discovered inside a Boise area home over the weekend. Idaho Fish and Game says about three dozen snakes were recently seized after a lengthy investigation. Some of the snakes found were native to Idaho, but several were found native to southwest Asia, Africa and

Numerous venomous and deadly non-native snakes were discovered inside a Boise area home over the weekend.

Idaho Fish and Game says about three dozen snakes were recently seized after a lengthy investigation. Some of the snakes found were native to Idaho, but several were found native to southwest Asia, Africa and Central and South America.

"We were more than a bit surprised by what we discovered," said Charlie Justus, regional conservation officer.

Among the snakes seized were an Indian cobra, an Indochina spitting cobra, a flat-nosed pit viper, two Vogel’s pit vipers, two Cape coral cobras, two hog-nosed pit vipers, a green bush viper, a zebra spitting cobra, two monocled cobras and a massasauga rattlesnake.

Charges against the 25-year-old suspect have yet to be filed, pending review of the evidence, Fish and Game says.

The snakes are currently being held at the Idaho Fish and Game regional office and authorities tell CBS2 they are actively looking for a zoo to take them.

