Logan Paul is receiving heaps of backlash on social media following the release of his latest Impaulsive podcast episode. In the episode, the elder Paul brother disrespected his co-host George Janko’s belief in Christianity, which sparked a heated debate on religion. Netizens have since taken to social media to criticize Paul’s attitude toward Christianity.
For those unversed, podcast co-host George Janko is a devout believer in Christianity. During their debate over Christianity and other religions, in their episode titled Logan Paul Praises Andrew Tate, Slams Liver King For Lying, Warns Paddy The Baddy - IMPAULSIVE #356, Logan Paul controversially said,
“Jesus Christ f**ks.”George Janko seemed incredibly disturbed by the 27-year-old’s statement and responded by saying:
“Genuinely, I know people that hate me that treat me better about my faith than you and you’re my best friend…So one that really hurt me is when you told me that I need to go to the therapist because I believe in Jesus.”Speaking about Christianity, Paul went on to fire back in the episode:
“I just am definitely questioning why we have to perpetuate a belief that is f**king silly. I think it’s a silly practice to engage in and I think it deserves satire.”Netizens react to Logan Paul attacking George Janko’s faith
Internet users were flabbergasted by Logan Paul’s ignorance of Janko’s religious beliefs. Many noted that attacking anyone’s faith, irrespective of one’s views, is offensive. Several netizens went on to bring up Logan Paul’s former cancelation.
In late 2017, the YouTuber visited the Aokigahara forest in Japan. The forest is a sacred site that has gained a reputation for being haunted by ghosts. It is also known for its prevalent suicides. In a vlog, Logan Paul and his friends stumbled upon a corpse in the forest and recorded the man with his face blurred. This led to him amassing immense negative attention online alongside a swift cancelation.
It seems like the YouTuber is tiptoeing around being canceled again after dissing Janko’s religious beliefs.
What did the podcast co-hosts discuss about religion?
During their debate about religion, the amateur boxer keenly argued against Christianity and the religion's views on homos*xuality. Mike Majlak also noted Paul’s relentless fervor to prove his point in discussions and his behavior in discourse. During the episode, Paul’s religious leanings were also brought to light. Speaking about the same to Paul, Janko correctly said:
“I believe that you believe in a higher power. I believe that it’s not a God, I believe that you think it’s a force, an energy and you’re trying to put together where all our energy goes after words and you’re still in the midst of putting that together.”The co-hosts discussed who is the most emotionally intelligent and the benefits of therapy and got into a heated debate over Christianity and conversion therapy. The trio also reacted to Kanye West’s ongoing anti-Jew statements that he has been making publicly.
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